A Quick ( & Fun!) Fix for Writing that Feels Blah

Byeeee, cliches.

Here’s a quick copywriting tip: when in doubt, talk about food!

(Okay, well, sort of. Here’s the full story.)

When I shared this post on IG, the hotcakes slide got some extra attention. (Ya know that old chestnut, "selling like hotcakes?")

I was making a more complicated point about it, but a friend also reached out and basically said HELP, I use this expression on my site, what should I say instead?!

The problem with "selling like hotcakes" is that it's both 1) boring/cliche/expected and 2) not super resonant these days. (When you think about something you REALLY REALLY want to buy like RIGHT NOW, is it.......... hotcakes? I'm gonna go ahead and say no.)

The fix for cliche phrases like this? Whip up a different simile.

(^ *For those who didn't go to poetry school, it's just a figure of speech for the purpose of comparison. "_____ like _______." More on it here, courtesy of Masterclass!)

You can add interest and personality that's specific to your brand by inventing your own similes anytime you find yourself leaning on a cliche (or just like your writing is falling flat).

Do you have fond memories of your childhood in Iowa?
→ "It’ll be selling as fast as funnel cakes at the Iowa State Fair."

Does your soul, like mine, burn with an undying love for french fries?
→ "This offer's hotter than a crispy, golden fry straight outta the fryer."

Is coffee your thing?
→ "It’s as craveable as an iced lavender latte on the first sunny day of spring."

The options are, quite literally, endless. I only gave food examples here, but you can use any topic/thing that relates to you and your people. "Our blankets are fluffier than your Shih-Tzu fresh from the groomer." (Okay weird example but whatever! See how simple this is?)

This trick gives you an instant (and original, authentic!) personality boost, an anti-boredom shot, and a well-deserved dose of fun while you’re writing.

So boldly go forth, ditch the hotcakes, and hit us with a new image that actually gets our attention.


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