DIY Copywriting Downloads + Resources

Because who doesn’t love presents??

Free Resources

Whether you’re DIYing or just want to add some extra spark to your copy…

Here’s where you can score workbooks, trainings, website copywriting prompts, and more—all on the house!

Finding Your Perspective Workbook

Find—and claim—what you want to be known for, using these juicy copywriting prompts + multipurpose frameworks.

Connected Copywriting Workshop

Brainstorm and write your way through the five signature elements of connected copywriting to own who you are and bond with your people.

Brand Voice Personality Prompts Workbook

Fun brand voice prompts to help you shake off writer’s block, spark new ideas, and sound more like YOU.

Offer Naming Workshop

Learn a simple-but-thorough approach to naming your course, program, or offer! Join me for an over-the-shoulder demo and then try it for yourself in the Google sheet.

Copy Sparks e-course

In this 3-part mini course, you’ll learn how to amp up your own copy by focusing on clarity, curiosity, and connection.